Stop Panic Attacks Without Medication in 2023

a man is having panic attacks holding his head

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Stop Panic Attacks Without Medication

Are you frequently experiencing panic attacks? Do you feel anxious all the time? Are you living in constant fear? Well, it’s really depressing, isn’t it? Do you want to know if there is a way to stop panic attacks without medication?

What if I tell you that there is a simple way to stop them from bothering you, for good. Still with me? 

Yes, there is, definitely. It works for me. It works for many others. I strongly believe it’ll work for you.

But, hold on…

To implement the solution effectively, first, you need to understand what exactly a panic attack is and the nature behind it. So, I promise I’ll make it as short as possible so I can bring you directly to the answer.

Before we start, please note, we’re not giving you any medical advice. If you’re on medication, please always consult your doctors or other qualified healthcare providers for any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Please read our disclaimer.

Let’s start…

Use the table of contents below to help you navigate this post. You can jump directly to the section explaining the application of the technique. But, I highly encourage you to at least scan through the “Meditation in brief” section because there is related and relevant information there.

What is the nature of a panic attack?

Our mind is naturally wired with what we call a “fight or flight” mechanism. It’s a popular term, I’m pretty certain you ever heard of it. It is designed for the sole purpose of our survival. 

Imagine, our ancestors were living in the wild and they unexpectedly encountered a flesh-eating T-Rex. What would they do? They ran, of course! What happened actually was that fight or flight mechanism in action. They panicked. The adrenaline kicked in. As a result, it gave their muscles immediate strength and the urge to run. And, they survived.

See? A panic attack in itself is not a problem. It is meant to help with our survival. Therefore, the first thing you need to understand is getting panicked is normal. So don’t make it your enemy.

“Getting panicked is normal, don’t make it your enemy”

But, off course, that’s not why you’re here reading this, right? 

A lot of times, what’s normal goes out of hand. It happens to a lot of people. It happened to me and I dare to speculate it happened to you. Why? Because If it didn’t, you wouldn’t be here reading this right now.

Not treated properly, panic attacks will become your “loyal visitors”, which you don’t want. They can make you stalled, hard to focus, hard to make priorities, bring you intense fear, stress you out and in short, make your life like hell! I’ll talk more about the symptoms in a later section. 

They can grow to become what medical experts call panic disorder. I know, the term just gets scarier. No need to get panic. Take a few deep breaths, if you have to.

The term disorder suggests a kind of disease, a discouragingly negative connotation. You just need to remember as I said before, getting panicked is normal in itself. It’s essential for our survival. So, don’t get discouraged and read on.

Panic attacks who?

Panic attacks everyone. But, if you mean a higher degree of panic to be classified as a disorder, then 2-3% or about 6 million adults of the U.S. population in a given year are experiencing panic disorder. Women are twice as likely to be affected as men. That’s in the U.S. alone, not counting in other countries. And not counting the lesser degree sufferers who are not classified as a disorder. The potential number just gets scarier!

stop panic attacks without medication
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

It’s also a fact that closely related anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults age 18 and older, or 18.1% of the population every year. Although highly treatable, yet only 36.9% of those suffering receive treatment.

Anxiety often leads to a panic attack though not always so it’s an advantage if you can recognize it early.

“Panic attacks everyone”

But, enough with the stats…

The purpose I wrote this post is to share with you the simple trick I learned to stop panic attacks without medication that works for me to help you and others live a more healthy and balanced life.

Now, the idea is “catching the monsters while they’re still small”. So, you need to know what the symptoms are to recognize them as early as possible. That’s why the following section is important. You need to know the symptoms in order to recognize them early.

The idea is “catching the monsters while they’re still small”

Recognize the symptoms

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, a panic attack is the abrupt onset of intense fear or discomfort that reaches a peak within minutes and includes at least four of the following symptoms:

  • Palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated heart rate
  • Sweating
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Sensations of shortness of breath or smothering
  • Feelings of choking
  • Chest pain or discomfort
  • Nausea or abdominal distress
  • Feeling dizzy, unsteady, light-headed, or faint
  • Chills or heat sensations
  • Paresthesia (numbness or tingling sensations)
  • Derealization (feelings of unreality) or depersonalization (being detached from oneself) 
  • Fear of losing control or “going crazy”
  • Fear of dying

Recognize some of them? Have you experienced some of them yourself? Have you been still? 

The reason I put the list here is not to scare you or make you more depressed. On the contrary, I want to help you recognize them early. Remember, the idea is to catch the monsters while they’re still small.

In the next section, I’ll talk a little bit about what causes panic attacks. Knowing them wouldn’t do any harm. In fact, if you recognize them, you can minimize them or even eliminate them completely in case you have any control or influence over them. 

If you eliminate the causes, automatically you eliminate the effects. That’s simple wisdom!

What causes panic attacks?

While the exact causes cannot be determined, researchers do know that panic disorder does sometimes run in families. Maybe because they live in the same home environment and have been together for some time? In that case, the family members have been exposed to the same “conditioning”?

While the term disorder is of more serious level, the fact is, panic attacks everyone, I repeat EVERYONE, to some degree. No one on earth never experiences panic attacks. It’s a survival mechanism wired into our brains, remember?

Panic attacks also have no clear external triggers but some common triggers are:

  • Exams, for students
  • Driving in bad traffic conditions
  • Social and relationship situations
  • Memories of traumatic experiences
  • Stressful working conditions
  • Withdrawal from drugs or alcohol
  • Medications
  • Reactions to certain supplements
  • Thyroid problems such as hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland)
  • Chronic illnesses such as diabetes, asthma, heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome
  • Phobias such as agoraphobia (fear of open or public places), claustrophobia (fear of confined places) and acrophobia (fear of heights)
Close up of a little girl face, expressing panic
Image by Pezibear from Pixabay

The list above is just commonly known triggers. Remember, the exact causes are still unknown. So don’t get too caught up with the triggers. Just, recognize them.

Also, if you notice the triggers listed above, all are either external factors or physical conditions. 

How about internal factors? What is happening in the mind when panic attacks? Ok, more on that later.

The simple wisdom from the previous section can be applied to certain situations. 

For example, in the case of exams, students can make better preparation and studied the subject more thoroughly then eat well and sleep well before the exams. That will lessen the chance of an attack. Ok, that sounds like an oversimplification but, you get the idea.

Another example, if you know the traffic ahead will get jammed, you can consciously decide to choose an alternative route which hopefully will be smooth. Ok, it’s another oversimplification. 

But the idea is that, if you can maintain your awareness to consciously anticipate and avoid the potential triggers, the less chance the attacks would happen. That will be simple wisdom applied.

Ok, ideal situations where you can consciously anticipate and avoid the triggers are not always the case. So, you may ask, how can I anticipate? The attacks come fast and sudden, faster than I can anticipate. That’s why you need to train your mind in a certain way so you can be faster than the attacks. Sounds like a race? No, it’s not.

What are the effects of panic attacks?

Panic attacks can happen anytime without warning. They can happen when you’re driving a car, walking on the street, in the middle of a business meeting, even when you’re asleep. 

The symptoms listed previously are the effects that can be recognized immediately. But, if you let them untreated, they will progress to more serious problems.

Some people are living in constant fear of having another panic attack in the future. Some people even go to great lengths to avoid the triggers. They may even avoid leaving home, becoming agoraphobia, because it doesn’t feel safe outside.

These are the potential side effects:

  • Agoraphobia (fear of open or public places)
  • Depression
  • Eating disorders
  • Mood disorders
  • Alcoholism
  • Drug addiction

In short, you’ll be off-balanced and unhealthy. You will feel that happiness is out of reach, and it will feel very depressing.

In the next section, I’ll list the common treatment usually advised for panic attacks. Each has its own merit. There’s no one cure fits all kind of “magic pill”. Let’s roll on…

Common treatments for panic attacks

  1. Breathing exercise. Practice taking slow deep breaths. Count 1 to 5 while you inhale and 5 to 1 when you exhale. Repeat until your breathing slows down naturally and you can feel you’re calming down.
  2. Learn acceptance. Whatever happened, learn to accept it and remind yourself that the symptoms will pass and you’ll be alright. Be patient, the symptoms usually will pass within minutes.
  3. Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness meditation is increasingly popular nowadays. This is partly due to the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn with his Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program. The technique can help you ground your thoughts in the present. You can practice mindfulness by actively observing thoughts and sensations without reacting to them. This is a very effective technique but needs persistence and patience. Check this study for some conclusions about its effectiveness in this regard. If you want to learn it online, I highly recommend this course.
  4. Use relaxation techniques. Relaxation techniques include guided imagery, aromatherapy, and muscle relaxation. If you’re experiencing symptoms of anxiety or a panic attack, try doing things that you find relaxing. Close your eyes, take a bath or use lavender, which has relaxing effects. Some essential oils that have relieving effects are bergamot, lavender, clary sage, grapefruit, and ylang ylang.
Two bottles of essential oil for aromatherapy
Aromatherapy helps you relax and calm your nerves
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
  1. Focusing on an object. Choose any objects that you feel positive about. It could be a candle, a picture, sound of a bell, sound of nature like river flow, birds, leaves. Some Tibetan Buddhist traditions use mantras or chanting as their object. Choose any objects that work for you. Try to focus and maintain your attention on your object of choice for a certain duration. You can start with 5 minutes. After you get a hang of it, you can increase it to 10 minutes, 15 minutes. Usually, your mind will calm down in the process. 
  2. Light exercise. Choose a light exercise that’s gentle to your body like walking meditation, swimming or yoga. It can flood your body with endorphins which can improve your mood.
  3. Limit consumption of alcohol, drugs, and caffeine. Those things are stimulants. Some people are sensitive to those stimulants and can get provoked.
  4. Get enough restful sleep. Insufficient rest and poor quality sleep lower your body energy. A weak body easily gets stressed
  5. Eat a balanced diet. Proper nutrition makes your body fit and your mind clear. Physically fit, you’ll be less prone to attacks.
  6. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). It is based on the idea that our thoughts cause our feelings and behaviors, not external things, like people, situations, and events. According to the National Association of Cognitive Behavioral Therapists the benefit of this therapy is that we can change the way we think to feel and act better even if the situation does not change. CBT focuses on determining the thought and behavior patterns responsible for sustaining or causing the panic attacks. CBT is a time-limited process (treatment goals—and the number of sessions expected to achieve them—are established at the start) that employs a variety of cognitive and behavioral techniques to affect change.
  7. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a form of Cognitive therapy that emphasizes individual psychotherapy as well as group skills training to help people learns new skills and strategies—including mindfulness and distress tolerance– to manage their anxiety and panic. According to the American Psychological Association therapists who practicing DBT aim to strike a balance between validation and change by clearly communicating acceptance of who the client is and the challenges the client faces, while at the same time helping the client to learn new skills to improve emotion regulation, interpersonal communication skills and how to participate in life and cope with problems without defaulting to impulsive behavior.
  8. Exposure therapy. It allows you to experience the physical sensations of panic in a safe and controlled environment, giving you the opportunity to learn healthier ways of reacting. You’ll be exposed in small increments to the things that trigger your panic. The idea is that by repeating this process, those triggers will eventually lose their power.
  9. Network Spinal Analysis (NSA). Maybe not exactly that common, but it’s endorsed by Tony Robbins, a world-leading personal growth trainer. Developed by Dr. Donny Epstein in the 1980s, NSA uses chiropractic techniques to apply gentle and precise touches to certain parts of your spine to release tension and free up energy flow in your body. In turn, the body uses that freed-up energy to increase the flexibility of your spine and your nervous system, harmonizing body-mind and spirit.
  10. Medication sometimes can be used to control or lessen symptoms related to panic disorder. It is most effective when combined with other treatments, such as the aforementioned cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure therapy. Medications used to treat panic attacks and panic disorder include antidepressants, though they take a couple of weeks to reach effectiveness. Some of them are addictive and should only be used with caution and for a short time. Always consult your doctors if you have to take this route.
  11. Use a distraction. Whenever panic attacks you, shift your focus. You can call somebody you trust, somebody you like to talk to. Or, you can use the counting number method. Whenever you get panicked, try to count 1 to 30 and then 30 back to 1. You may need to repeat it several times. The idea is shifting your focus from whatever triggers your panic. You can use your prepared affirmation such as “Even though I feel scared, I accept myself,” “I will get through this,” or “I am strong.”
  12. Have a tea break. Take a break whenever you get tense is a handy habit. It doesn’t need to take long. Just a break. Having chamomile tea or green tea will help you relax and bring you back to balance because of the tea’s soothing effect. There’s a saying if you don’t take a break, eventually, you’ll break.
A cup of hot chamomile tea
Tea break with chamomile tea or green tea gives you a chance to bring back the balance
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
  1. The Panic Away self-help program developed by Barry McDonagh. The program teaches you how to empower yourself in a specific way to stop panic attacks and general anxiety fast and permanently. Barry wrote about his technique in his best-seller book Dare: The New Way to End Anxiety and Stop Panic Attackswhich 88% of the readers gave 5-star reviews. The program has been around for a while, is affordable and has a very low refund rate. Those facts can be an indicator that satisfaction level is high among the readers and that the technique actually works. Check it out here. Read my full, in-depth review of the program here.

The common treatments listed above are not always effective for every case. There’s no one cure fits all kind of magic pill. Each treatment has its own pluses and minuses. Each has its own merits and limitations. Some treatments may suit some people but not others. 

Some therapies or medications will surely cost you some money and time, some will cost you only pennies like having a tea break or using lavender oil for the skin or enjoying aromatherapy, some will cost you nothing. Yes, NOTHING.

If you notice, point number one to five on the list are meditative in nature. Now, when you hear the word meditation, usually you’ll think of something boring, illogical and completely a waste of time.

“I don’t have time, I have a full-time job, I’m busy… etc.”

How sitting like a statue will do any magic and cure my panic?

Let me try to clear things up in the next section. I promise I’ll be brief.

Meditation in brief

You may ask, what is meditation? 

There are many kinds of meditation. So, please remember, from now on, when I say meditation what I mean is mindfulness meditation, not any other kind.

There’re lots of definitions online about meditation you can google. But, to save you time and effort, I’ve searched around the net to do my research. I summed up all the definitions available for references. And, I’ve come up with my own definition that resonates with my understanding and my experience with my meditation practice.

A woman is doing sitting meditation
Meditation in sitting posture | Image by Irina L from Pixabay

In essence,

Meditation is a mental exercise

…where the practitioner uses a technique of mindfulness of the mind

…using a particular object, thought or activity…

…to train attention and awareness


…to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state of mind.

That’s it.

You see, by definition only, it’s already a CURE for panic attacks.

More importantly, meditation is a practice you can do yourself. It’s free. It costs you NOTHING other than a little time that will benefit you a million fold.

If you want to learn how to do mindfulness meditation in simple two steps, I’ve written a practical guide. You can grab it for free HERE.

I bolded the key points: 

Meditation is a mental exercise, not a physical exercise although it may include physical activity as its object.

The technique being used is mindfulness of the mind so, meditation is mind work, not physical work.

The object of mindfulness can be physical things, sounds, visuals, thoughts or activity.

The object is what to be aware of or where you pay your attention to, continuously.

You don’t hate the object and you also don’t love it or cling to it.

Finally, mental clarity, calm emotion and a stable state of mind is the result of the right practice. 

You don’t try to be calm. You don’t try to be stable. You don’t try to clear your mind. Because that’s NOT meditation. You just try to pay attention to and be aware of the object continuously with the right attitude. That IS meditation.

Please note, I purposefully avoid the term focus, focusing, concentrate, concentrating and concentration because they often give the wrong notion. They’ll make you think that you need to focus or concentrate on an object until you get exhausted. 

In fact, if you’re focusing too much, you will be losing awareness and you’ll get tired easily. This way, you won’t be able to do it continuously. That’s NOT meditation.

The key point is CONTINUOUSLY. Continuously means without breaks, no interruptions in your awareness. But, you shouldn’t exert too much energy to maintain awareness. 

If you’re doing it right, you should be able to maintain awareness all day long, from the moment you wake up until the moment you fall asleep. 

So, If you feel you’re getting tired easily during your practice then you’re doing it wrong. You’re exerting too much energy. Maybe, you’re focusing too much. You can use this as an indicator. 

What about sitting like a statue?

That’s only one of the meditation postures. The other postures are standing, walking, lying down, and daily activity.

I think it’s enough for the definition. Meditation is quite a broad topic that will require a separate dedicated post to talk about.

The question is:
How can you use this meditation technique to stop panic attacks?

This is what you’re here, right? Let’s get to it.

Using mindfulness meditation technique to stop panic attacks

First step: breathing as the object

Find a comfortable place with minimum distractions. You will need to avoid any distractions for the next 5 minutes. 

Turn off or silence your phone and turn off your TV. 

For starter, you will practice for at least 5 minutes, twice daily. Once in the morning before any activities, or before going to work and once in the evening after work. 

You’ll do the sitting posture. You don’t have to sit in “lotus” posture if you don’t want to or if you feel it uncomfortable. You can use any chair. Sit with your back straight up in a relaxed and natural way. This is to avoid drowsiness and to help you maintain awareness.

I recommend you to close your eyes to avoid visual distractions, especially if you’re a beginner.

A woman in white dress is meditating in a garden
A woman is doing sitting posture meditation
Image by Honey Kochphon Onshawee from Pixabay

This is how you’ll do it…

You will use your breathing activity as the object of your meditation practice.

There are many good reasons why so many meditation techniques favor the breath as a meditation object.

What is an object? A meditation object is something to be aware of or something you pay your attention to. You’ll understand what I mean in a moment. So, please, read on.

No need to regulate your breath intentionally or breathe in a certain way. Just breathe normally, naturally.

Pay attention to the process of breathing, the air moving in as you inhale, the air moving out as you exhale. Feel the flow of the air, in and out, at the nostrils. Feel that the air you’re exhaling is a bit warmer than the air you’re inhaling.

Or, alternatively, you can pay attention to your abdomen moving up and down.

That’s what meditations objects are for. They’re where you pay your attention to, what to be aware of. They’re not something to get rid of nor something you invite or cling to.

“Objects are where you pay your attention to, what to be aware of”

No need to try to pay attention to all aspects of the breathing process. That will be too much. Just try to pay attention to the most obvious ones or the easiest for you. That’ll be enough. You’ll naturally widen your awareness as you progress.

Always remember, and this is important, whenever you find your mind wandering away into thoughts, feelings or memories, just remind yourself to shift your attention back to your initial object, which is your breathing. Make this a habit. 

No need to feel guilty. No need to punish yourself. Why? Because wandering mind is normal! This is important to understand. Guilty feelings easily shift your attention and weaken your awareness. Therefore, they won’t help with your practice.

Periodically, keep asking yourself what is happening right now. You’re paying attention to your breathing. This is key to maintain mindfulness.

That’s it. For now…

But remember, you need to practice it often and consistently. You may add 1 more session in the afternoon break.

“you need to do it often and consistently”

As you progress, you’ll be able to increase the duration from 5 minutes to 10 minutes, then 15 minutes. On occasions, you can practice for 30 minutes. That will be incredible!

This practice is meant to strengthen your “awareness muscle”. Awareness is a mental faculty like muscle strength is a physical faculty. You go to the gym to exercise to strengthen your physical muscles. As you progress, when your muscles get stronger, you can lift heavier weight. 

The same analogy applies. The more you practice the longer the duration you can maintain your attention to your breathing. You’re strengthening your awareness.

No targets. No goals. Targets and goals will only make you more stressed and depressed. Just do it, often and consistently. But, you’ll need to commit to yourself that you’ll practice it at your set schedule.

You will keep using your breathing activity as your meditation object until you can maintain your awareness continuously for 5 minutes. As you progress, increase it to 10 minutes, 15 minutes and so on If you can maintain awareness of your breathing continuously for 30 minutes, you’re INCREDIBLE!

Second step: panic attacks symptom as the object

Two girls meditating together on the grass
Two girls are meditating together on the grass
Image by Honey Kochphon Onshawee from Pixabay

Remember the panic attack symptoms we’ve discussed earlier? There is a reason why I put much emphasis on the importance of recognizing them as early as possible.

Because AS SOON AS any of the symptoms, you will position it as your meditation object.

“As soon as” means IMMEDIATELY!

Remember the point: catch the monsters while they’re small?

Do you still remember what an object is? The thing to be aware of, where you pay your attention to, without judgment? You don’t try to get rid of it and you don’t try to cling to it. You don’t hate it and you don’t invite it.

But, at this point, there’s one thing to acknowledge:
If it happens that your awareness muscle is not yet strong enough, you’ll get drawn and lose your awareness. The object will be gone. No awareness means no objects. This is NOT meditation!

What does it mean?

It means… go back to the FIRST STEP, use breathing activity as the object.

That’s why patience is invaluable in practicing meditation. Keep using the breathing activity as the object of your practice to strengthen your awareness muscle. You’ll know when you’re ready. 


When you know you can maintain awareness of your breathing continuously without wandering away for longer and longer duration.

Breathing is a natural activity that’s emotionally neutral which makes it an ideal object for initial practice. Panic, on the other hand, has an intense negative emotion attached to it which makes it a more difficult meditation object.

The first step is meant to build your base, your foundation of mindfulness.

So, don’t rush!

There’s no need to be discouraged. No need to judge or blame yourself. Simply go back to your breathing. It’s that simple.

If you keep practicing consistently, in time, you’ll notice when any of the panic attack symptoms occur, they’re not as powerful as before. They can no longer bring you to your knees. You won’t get drawn. 

They just become your meditation objects! 

Because you’re maintaining your awareness!

Which means you don’t try to get rid of them, you also don’t try to cling to them. You just keep paying attention to them, without judging. You will be able to watch them arise and fade away. 

The more you experience this arising and fading away cycle, the effects of your panic attacks will get weaker and weaker and finally will fade away.

“The panic attack symptoms just become your meditation objects”

You’ll learn many things about yourself. Mark my words!

This is important to remember:
When panic attacks occur, recognize the symptoms early and immediately position them as your meditation object.

An object is something to be aware of, where you pay your attention to, without judgments, without thinking.

So, in the “eye” of meditation, panic is an object.

When you position the object like this, it will lose its strength over time. You’ll become more detached to the object. You’ll notice that objects come and go. Finally, you will understand that the cycle of every object is rising and fading away.

You may ask: 
How long does it take for the object to lose its power? 
The answer is, it depends on the development of your “awareness muscle”. They’re negatively correlated. The stronger your awareness muscle, the weaker the “panic” object.

…in the “eye” of meditation, panic is an object.

This simple technique has helped countless people haunted by panic attacks. You can find lots of relevant testimonials online, too many to be included in this post.

But, there’s one authority figure I think worth mentioning. A well-known meditation master who was haunted by panic attacks himself for years since childhood and eventually cured by using this meditation technique.

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, a famous author of best-selling books like 

You may want to check his other works.

Using meditation to deal with panic attacks, stress & anxiety

The key takeaways from the video are…

There are two ways to make your panic worse:

  1. Positioning panic to be your boss. It will dictate you and bring you to your knees.
  2. Positioning panic to be your enemy. Anything you hate will get stronger.

The solution or what he called the third option is…

  • Make friendship with panic. As a friend, it’s free to come and go. You don’t hate it. But also, you don’t cling to it. You just watch and pay attention, without judging. In other words, make panic your meditation object so you can watch it arises and fades away.

Let’s wrap it up

A girl is meditating in front of water fountain
Image by Binja69 from Pixabay

Now, let’s make it simple. You don’t need to get caught up with what meditation is. You just need to take advantage of the technique that works, to effectively stop panic attacks. No need for too many technical terms. 

To give you a quick recap:

  • Use breathing activity as your initial object.
  • Try to pay attention to your breath continuously for at least 5 minutes. You can increase the duration as you progress.
  • Don’t exert too much energy when you’re practicing or you’ll tire yourself easily. Try to keep your mind and body relaxed.
  • Practice at least twice a day, once in the morning before work and once in the evening after work. You may add an afternoon session.
  • During practice, keep asking yourself: What is happening right now? This is to help you maintain awareness.
  • Whenever your mind wanders away, shift your attention back to your breathing. Make this a habit. No need to feel guilty, no need to judge yourself.
  • Keep practicing consistently to strengthen your “awareness muscle”.
  • You’ll know that you’re developing your “awareness muscle” as you can maintain awareness for longer and longer duration.
  • When any of the panic attacks symptoms occur, position the symptoms as your meditation object and keep paying attention to them. Watch them arise and fade away

This technique won’t cost you any money. You only need patience and perseverance to practice it.

And, you need to practice it often and consistently.

Often times, you’ll experience dwindling in motivation and interest. To combat all the hindrances, apply these meditation tips to your daily practice.

If you practice persistently, you’ll gain much-much more than just stopping your panic attacks.

Check out the many benefits of meditation based on personal experience that turn out to be backed by science.

Nowadays, more and more people practice meditation for practical reasons.

Grab My FREE Ebook!

Mindfulness in Two Steps

Mindfulness in Two Steps Ebook Cover

A Practical Guide to Mindfulness Meditation
Learn How to Practice Mindfulness in Two Steps

One of the best things about meditation is you can practice anywhere, anytime.

You don’t have to attend a meditation retreat if you don’t have the time. Although I highly recommend it because it indeed has its benefits. One of the main benefits is you’ll be provided with a conducive environment with minimum distractions for the duration of the retreat. As a result, progress usually comes faster. I attended several retreats myself.

As an alternative, you can take the online meditation course by Giovanni Dienstmann. He wrote a best-selling book “Practical Meditation” which is available in 7 languages. He is a very accomplished meditation teacher with 9,000+ hours of meditation practice under his belt. I really encourage you to take a look. Check it out here.

Read my review of the course here.

Please remember, cured doesn’t mean you won’t experience panic attacks ever again. I’d like to remind you again that panic is a normal mechanism for survival. It just means that you can cope with it properly and react in a more healthy way. That way, you’re no longer at your fear’s mercy.

If you adopt this technique and practice it continuously, you WILL live a more balanced, healthy and enjoyable life. 

This is how you stop panic attacks without medication.

It’s simple wisdom.

How is your practice? Do you have more simple and effective tricks you want to share? Let me know in the comments…

Further readings

Featured image photo by ahmad gunnaivi on Unsplash

Chris Linard

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