
10 Ways Meditation Can Help Improve Your Finance (Number 9 Might Surprise You!)

meditation can help improve your finance illustrated by growing plant on top of growing numbers of coins

How meditation can help improve your finance For many people, the word meditation might make them picture monks in robes or long-bearded hermits living in caves. It implies spiritual life and nothing else. At least that’s what I often get as a response when having a conversation with friends, colleagues, and many others about this

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Forget Self-Improvement, Do This Instead!

forget self-improvement, do this instead! A man in red shirt pointing his right thumb at the chalkboard behind him.

Forget Self-Improvement You might wonder, what’s wrong with self-improvement? If you’re starting to question yourself if self-improvement, or if any kind of personal development actually works, then read on. Forget self-improvement! Instead, meditate! Sounds like jumping to conclusions? Let me elaborate. I’m not against self-improvement or personal development in any way. In fact, during two

Forget Self-Improvement, Do This Instead! Read More »

2 Main Reasons Why Most Self-Improvement Fails and How to Avoid Them

why most self-improvement fails - close up of a stress man in the office

Why most self-improvement fails and how to avoid them At some point in my life journey, I was obsessed with self-improvement and all things related. I attended numerous seminars on personal development, motivational training, read quite a lot of self-help books, and also watched countless videos surrounding this particular topic. You know what I learned?

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4 Tiny Steps to Reach Your Goals Without Motivation

how to reach your goals without motivation: 4 tiny steps, remarkable results

Reach your goals without motivation (4 tiny steps, remarkable results) So, you’re motivated to reach your goal, right? Aren’t we all? You’ve set your goal. You are highly motivated. You feel supercharged. You take action! But, after you’ve taken the first few steps, you start losing momentum. You feel that your motivation is fleeting. Before

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How to Stop Falling Asleep During Meditation? Try These 10 Actionable Tricks

stop falling asleep during meditation: close up of a bearded man with a drowsy and tired expression

10 Actionable tricks to help you stop falling asleep during meditation Do you find yourself keep falling asleep during your meditation practice? Many people do. Well, I do.  Drowsiness, especially during sitting meditation posture, is a pretty common thing. How about falling asleep during meditation? I’ve seen a lot everywhere, even in meditation retreats. One

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1 Simple Walking Meditation Technique, Undeniable Benefits

walking meditation faq: close up of a young boy's feet walking with the sky in the background

Simple walking meditation technique with undeniable benefits When talking about meditation, we often think of sitting still on a meditation cushion with legs crossed. Though not wrong, meditation is much more than that. That was only one of the many meditation postures we often come across, the sitting posture. And, for those who think they’re not physically

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Breath Meditation FAQ: Why Do So Many Meditation Methods Focus on the Breath?

Breath Meditation FAQ: a young woman meditating on a mat accompanied by her dog

Have you ever wondered, why do so many meditation methods focus on the breath? Whatever the purpose of the meditation technique is, whether it’s for physical health, mental health, spirituality, sport, art, creativity, productivity, music, etc., breath is always one of the favorite meditation objects. In this post, I’d try to answer some of the

Breath Meditation FAQ: Why Do So Many Meditation Methods Focus on the Breath? Read More »

What Is Vipassana Meditation and How Can You Practice It?

what is vipassana meditation and how to practice it

You might have ever heard of vipassana meditation. It’s a kind of meditation practice that’s often talked about amongst meditation practitioners and gaining popularity in the world. More and more people are interested in vipassana meditation and eager to learn and try it out. That’s one of the reasons for its gaining popularity. Nowadays, vipassana retreats are

What Is Vipassana Meditation and How Can You Practice It? Read More »

How to Take Advantage of Your Pessimistic Thoughts and Beware of Your Optimistic Thoughts

a man is trying to take advantage of pessimistic thoughts and beware of optimistic thoughts while thoroughly reading a report

So, do you consider yourself pessimistic or optimistic? Do you tend to have the thoughts that all bad and undesirable things are always destined to happen? Do you tend to see bad events as permanent and good events as temporary? Those are pessimistic thoughts. Pessimistic thinkers always find the bad in any situation. They always

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